Everyone should hug a tree at least once in their life, but the beautiful trees in Louisville’s Cherokee and Seneca parks are getting hugs that may end up killing them. Invasive honeysuckle, grapevine and other vines are thriving in the parks, growing over the trees, and in some cases, strangling the trees to death.
The good news: You can help. The Olmsted Parks Conservancy is actively recruiting volunteers for two-hour sessions of vine snipping in the parks, in order to slow the vine growth and help the trees get the nutrients they need. Tree Triage Thursdays are scheduled on July 25 and August 1, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The Conservancy staff will supply all the tools and education on what to snip that you’ll need.
Tree Triage is a great way to get involved in the lifecycle of our historic Olmsted Parks and make sure they remain beautiful for decades to come.
Sign up for the scheduled Tree Triage sessions at the Conservancy’s website.
Photo: Olmsted Parks Conservancy