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    Everyone loves pasta, and The Old Spaghetti Factory (235 W. Market St

    ) does it right. The only thing bad about it is that the portions and amount of calories is not so healthy. Have thought about how much you were eating while out and what it is doing with your diet? And what if you could bring a little bit home with you, I have the perfect solution.

    My homemade spaghetti contains has half the calories that the Spaghetti Factory's does. The Spaghetti factory’s pasta contains 560 calories (for the regular pasta and sauce). You do have the option for a gluten free menu and you can also substitute whole wheat pasta. My whole wheat pasta (Ronzoni Healthy Harvest whole grain thin spaghetti) and sauce (Prego Light Smart Traditional) ends up being 230 calories for 1 serving; if you want 2 servings that still will only add up to 460 calories. This meal is just as good as the spaghetti factory and cost effective.

    So when you are going out and wanting this at your house, you don’t have to feel like your cheating on your diet. Even if you feel like you can’t keep eating pasta on your diet or everyday homemade meal list, you can with healthy substitutions. This meal is nutritious and small in calories; you can eat a heaping bowl of salad and another veggie to add in a few more calories and you’ll be set.

    And when making your plate try to remember that half of your dinner plate should be vegetables. That was the hardest part for me when starting healthy eating. Meat and grains are not supposed to be eaten in large portions. So just try to look at your portions or if you want to look at what the portion sizes should be research it online and it will be very helpful. That’s what I did and my family and I are healthier for it.

    But just as a reminder even the Old Spaghetti Factory has a healthy menu, just ask for it. This restaurant is trying it’s best to make our Louisville a healthier place to eat and live. Just try making the step in your household as well. This way we can bring forth the healthy Louisville in our restaurants and our everyday lives.

    Photo by Google Images

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    About Kathleen Quinn

    First and foremost I'm a mom. I'm also a recent graduate from the University of Louisville and love to cook! Especially healthy foods.

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