I’m an avid people watcher. As with any large event like a church picnic or the state fair, Louder Than Life Festival was just weird enough to make me notice some very interesting things as I roamed the grounds. Here are some things that I could not fit in my review that needed mentioning.
It’s never too early in the day or in the set to go shirtless.
Louisville is expecting The Avett Brothers to play three nights at The Louisville Palace this month but hearing them as house music at Louder Than Life was definitely unexpected.
The Louder Than Life crowd and I are very different and I was cool with that but the I Love V***na merch booth was bit much.
Put Jack Daniel’s in your BBQ sauce and don’t ask any questions.
The festival is heavy on alcohol, so much so that at 4 p.m. when all I want is a Coke, I struggled to find signage that led me to one.
Every band has the volume and the stage presence to play outside themself and play like a headliner.
I found a place not named Ye Olde where they sell turkey legs and people eat them like they rule the world.
Someone should explain to me the connection between hard rock concerts and people dressing up as Waldo because I saw about ten people do it.
To the Bring Me To The Horizon singer, telling people to sit down to make jumping even definitely isn’t going to work. Way to give it the ol’ college try though.
Photo courtesy of Louder Than Life Festival Facebook page.