Half of our city is missing, where did they go? Nola, of course! Currently known as 'Lou'Orleans, Louisville Kentucky, uprooted and moved further south, taking an entire fan base with them. With the Cards playing the Gators in the Sugar Bowl tonight, die hard Cards fans fled to New Orleans to cheer on their team. As soon as bowl selections were announced, Cards fans raced to book hotels and make reservations.
From Instagram pictures, tweets and Facebook posts, it seems to me that Cards fans have painted the town red. Literally, red banners and flags cover every inch of Bourbon Street. But will it be enough? Cards are a a 14 point underdog in their game against Florida. Can Coach Strong put a 'Strong arm on the Gator Chomp?' We will find out tonight!
Game starts at 8:30, the rest of us who aren't so lucky to be in New Orleans can watch the game from the comfort of our own bars and homes.