A combination of medieval and modern fashion will come together in a fall fashion show benefiting two local nonprofit organizations.
Modern Day Woman Meets Medieval (K)Night is an evening of “medieval madness” filled with fashion, food and spirits, facts, fiction and fundraising this Thursday October 7 from 5:30- 8 pm.
The event will be held on the rooftop garden of the Frazier International History Museum, enjoying hors d’ oeuvres by 211 Clover Lane Restaurant, open wine bar and complimentary whiskey flight, lovely raffle items and live music by Guilderoy Byrne.
Alter Ego Women’s Apparel boutique will sponsor the event with all proceeds to benefit the American Lung Association and Frazier International History Museum.
Mayor Jerry Abramson will welcome guests before the fashion show. The evening will include authentic medieval figures like an armored knight, a rogue and a damsel in distress. Stations at the event will include a series of dramatic vignettes delivered by live interpreters, courtesy of the museum. Attendants will also be given passports that can be validated at each stop to get their names in a drawing for a fabulous grand prize.
The drawing for the grand prize will happen at 8 pm which is dinner for two at Proof on Main and a night’s stay at 21c Museum Hotel.
Tickets are $100 per person and include admission to the museum and free parking on 9th Street. Reservations are requested by September 27th. Call AlterEgo, 1321 Herr Lane, Louisville 40222, at 426-2435 for more details.