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    Peter Byck's "Carbon Nation" is a very eye opening, excellent film that introduces, educates, and explains the need for alternative energy solutions.  Solutions such as wind, solar, thermal, nuclear, and alternative fuel sources like bio-fuel are all explored, and the benefits as well as drawbacks of each are discussed by both common folk and experts in the field utilizing those means as fuel.  The great thing about this film is how these energy sources are presented.  Unlike so many other documentaries that stress to us the need for change, Byck has done so thru the use of logic and thru introducing to us solutions to combat the issue of carbon, rather than angling a fear factor to get people motivated.

    I've seen many documentaries in the past, have written tens of dozens of research papers in my time, including my own master's thesis, but could never fathom putting in the amount of time and research toward a project as Byck and his crew have done with this film.  Literally, there were a thousand names or more mentioned in the credits, and just by watching this film one actually captures the number of new faces sharing their own unique energy efficient stories, but not to simply leave it at that.  The ground coverage that Byck put beneath his sails in gathering this information, accumulating nearly two hundred and fifty hours of film to be broken down and condensed into a film that's less than two hours in legnth is an astonishing task to say the least.

    I was lucky enough to catch the sneak peak opening last night at the Louisville Science Center Imax theatre, and also was able to meet Peter Byck himself, but with the hundreds of people that were in attendance there was little time for an actual interview.  We spoke briefly, but the one thing that we did discuss was Byck's want for this film to stay in the theatres here locally more than a week or two.  He explained that by doing so a national attention would most likely be caught, and their message could then therefore reach a larger audience.  "Carbon Nation" opens this evening to the general public, Friday May 7th at the Village 8 movie theatre.  It's located at 4014 Dutchman's Lane, Louisville, KY. 40207.  

    Photo Courtesy of Damian Gerlach

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    About Damian Gerlach

    Born and raised locally here in the Germantown neighborhood of Louisville, Kentucky. I have lived and frequented in both the Highlands and Germantown areas for the past ten years while completing my undergraduate work in communication, and graduate work in business communication from Spalding University. After the completion of both of these degrees, the most recent during the summer of 2007, I began working as a sales consultant for a large telecommunications company, as well as for a few local colleges. In 2008 I self-published my first book, "Always Coming Back," and my second late summer 2009, entitled "Bent."

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