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    • "Gov. Steve Beshear frequently credits himself with creating or retaining more than 19,500 Kentucky jobs, but some of those jobs don’t exist. Hundreds of specific jobs that the Democratic governor identifies on his campaign Web site actually have not been created since the initial press releases went out, or they were partially offset by subsequent layoffs at the same companies, or they were announced under Ernie Fletcher, Beshear’s Republican predecessor." [Bluegrass Politics]
    • "The front gates at Kentucky Kingdom may remain locked up until 2013 because of inaction to form a public-private partnership. Ed Hart, CEO of the Kentucky Kingdom Redevelopment Company, gave a presentation to the Fair Board's financing committee Thursday morning. He said he is committing $1 million to maintain and upkeep the park." [WAVE3]
    • "LEO Weekly’s own Joe Sonka dominated on MSNBC’s 'The Rachel Maddow Show' last night. The segment focused on the fact that Sen. Rand Paul is single-handedly blocking common sense safety measures that would prevent leaky gas lines from resulting in fiery explosions." [LEO Weekly]
    • "Bruce Fina, Executive Director of the 2013 Cyclocross World Championships, refuted a report in a Belgian newspaper that the race is in danger of being moved from Louisville for financial reasons. The Belgian newspaper Gazet van Antwerpen cited a lack of sponsors as a factor. But Fina said that the race is not in jeopardy and will be in Louisville in January and February of 2013. It will be the first time in the history of the sport that the World Championships will take place outside of Europe." [Courier-Journal]

    Photo: Courtesy South Park Studios

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