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    The Louisville Sports Commission held its second annual mini-marathon yesterday amid cold temperatures and rain that at times became sleet. Nearly 2,700 people participated in the half marathon, which got underway yesterday morning at 8:00. Both winners were from Louisville as Michael Eaton won the men's division in 1:08, and Holly Knight won the women's division in 1:20. Afterwards, both referenced the rain that fell at times during the race and intermittently turned into sleet. Knight joked  "It was a bit bizarre. I finished right as the heavy rain was starting, which was kind of nice." The course began at the Clark Memorial bridge and wound through the Highlands and back downtown before ending at 6th and Main with a post race party on the Belvedere.

    In addition to the half marathon, yesterday was also the culmination of a four week program offered by the Commission and the YMCA that encouraged kids to complete twelve miles of running or walking over a 4 week span, then finish the final 1.1 miles on the course while accompanied by local celebrities like Wesley Korir, Angie Fenton, and Pat Day.

    Photo: Facebook/Louisville Sports Commission Half Marathon

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    About Adam Price

    I'm a Louisville native, accountant at the University of Louisville, volunteer, and member of the Fund for the Arts NeXt! Leadership Development program. I enjoy sports (especially UofL), the arts, craft beer and Kentucky bourbon...not in that order.

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