- "Men who father a child during an affair with a married woman have the right to seek a role in the child's life, the Kentucky Supreme Court has ruled. In an emotionally charged decision that critics say will undermine marriage, the court reversed centuries of common law and its own 2008 ruling that held such children are presumed to be the offspring of the woman and her husband. Bowing to the realities of DNA testing, which makes proving fatherhood a virtual certainty, the high court said in a 4-3 opinion late last week that Christopher H. Egan has the right to assert paternity — and ultimately visitation and shared custody — to a baby girl he said he fathered in September 2008 during an extramarital affair with Julie Ann Stephens. Both live in Northern Kentucky." [Courier-Journal]
- "New research conducted by the Guttenmacher Institute, a research and policy analysis think tank focused on reproductive health, reveals that two-thirds of births resulting from unwanted pregnancies are publicly funded because, well, the free market doesn’t want them, which kind of undercuts the arguments made by people like Republican death-budget engineers Reps. Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., and Hal Rogers, R-Ky., who believe that by cutting the social safety net we actually wind up saving money. This is like thinking you’re better prepared to survive jumping out of an airplane holding a cinder block instead of wearing a parachute." [LEO Weekly]
- "Louisville has been named one of the most dangerous midwestern cities for pedestrians by the group Transportation for America. The organization looked at pedestrian deaths from 2000 to 2009 and concluded that Louisville is the 19th most dangerous metro area in the country, and second in the Midwest, behind Detroit." [WFPL]
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