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    • cn|2 dishes out the brutal beating:
      Beshear- 51%
      Williams- 29.6%
      Galbraith- 5.6% [Barefoot and Progressive]
    • "Louisville's NAACP branch is calling on the Jefferson County Board of Education to reopen its search for a new superintendent, the board's two finalists 'very weak' and lacking experience with desegregation. 'We were expecting much better candidates,” said Raoul Cunningham, president of the local NAACP. 'We are very worried about what will happen if either one of them is named the next superintendent, which is why we are formally going to ask the school board to start this entire process over.'" [Courier-Journal]
    • "Mayor Greg Fischer says a new alert system should be in place by mid-August to warn neighborhoods of industrial accidents, like the one last March in Rubbertown. At the meeting last night, Fischer and his staff described the city’s requirements for a new alert system, to avoid the confusion that followed the explosion at Carbide Industries’ chemical plant in March. The new system will include a hotline, automatic blasts to cell phones, email addresses and pagers and 24/7 functionality." [WFPL]
    • "One of the two men who pleaded guilty to holding an Anderson County man at knife point, cutting off part of his beard and forcing him to eat it may now face jail time. A judge sentenced Terry Holt, 48, to five years probation for assault, terroristic threatening and unlawful imprisonment. But a judge could revoke probation in a hearing scheduled for later this month." [LEX 18]

    Photo: Courtesy LEX 18

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