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    Louisville moms stay on the go with Ciao! Baby® [Family and Parenting]
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         I'm a member of the MOT club, aka, a mother of twins. Before my boys were born, I remember feeling overwhelmed with the vast selection of baby gear that's out there. I had zero experience with infants and two to buy for. So how did I ultimately choose what to purchase? Simple. Their room was decorated in a jungle print theme, so I bought anything and everything that matched. How exciting, they were going to be the most coordinated babies on the block! It wasn't until after they were born, however, that I realized I had ignored some pretty important stuff like, oh, practicality and mobility! If I had a dime for every time I broke a sweat lugging a bulky high chair into my car, I would be sitting on a pile of money. Thankfully, Louisville entrepreneurs Jamye Baker and Kim Strong are offering solutions to on-the-go mothers and fathers with their caio!baby

    ® portable high chair.

         Nearly one year ago, caio! baby® was born from the idea that a transportable, time-saving high chair was a necessity for today's mobile families. For non-native Louisvillians, road trips to grandma's house are probably accompanied with the feeling that you are squeezing the entire house into your car. Baker and Strong, Co-Founders/Co-Presidents of the Jamberly Group, felt the same way, which inspired their design for a user-friendly, convenient, one-piece high chair. The chair was unveiled at Louisville's ABC Kid's Expo in September 2011 and has since taken the world of children's accessories by storm.

         "Initially, while the concept for ciao! baby® was based on our own personal needs, Jayme and I determined that the concept for a portable high chair was much bigger than just the two of us," states Strong. "Now with the overwhelming response we’ve received, our plans are to evolve the high chair concept even further, with our first effort being the rollout of a selection of colorful new chairs debuting this fall."

         I decided to check out the caio! baby® chair for myself online and was quite impressed at the simple genius of it all. It has taken the concept of the portable, folding chair and made it baby-friendly. It's equipped with all the necessities of a standard high chair (a tray, cup holder, etc.), but at only 8.5 lbs., is a fraction of the weight. Best of all, the chair folds up small enough to sling over your shoulder. If you are a frequent traveler, outdoors lover, or just need a convenient place for baby to sit at a friend's house, the caio! baby® portable high chair is likely to make life a bit easier, while supporting local entrepreneurship. You got to love that, right?

         ciao! baby®, is sold exclusively online at

    , is made of reliable and durable materials and meets ASTM high chair standards and all CPSIA testing for juvenile products. You can also visit their Facebook page,

    , or call


    for more information.

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    Juels Branham's picture

    About Juels Branham

    I'm a long-time Louisville lover & 502 extraordinaire. I belong to the MOT club (or, mother of twins), and am constantly amazed at all the quirks and perks of our adventures. I graduated from UofL (twice) and am proud to be a Card! During my occasional "me time," I enjoy indulging in epicurean delights, bargain hunting, and listening to Wu-Tang really loudly in my car.

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