Did you get lost along the walls of Hogwarts with Harry Potter? Have you traveled to Narnia with Azlan? Was it you that helped Frodo save Middle Earth? If so, it might be time for you to check out the latest fantasy series of novels to carry on the great tradition of Tolkien, Lewis, and Rowling.
The book is called: ImagiNation Unveiled: The Hidden Realm.
The self-published novel was written by Louisville author Judy Probus and she conceived the story with friend Matt Langan. Being that she is a mother and a grandmother and having worked as a substitute teacher, her love for children inspired her to make her literary debut a fantastical journey toward lifting up the next generation. “The Hidden Realm” brings three seemingly normal children from Earth to the far away planet called ImagiNation, where they must defend the benevolent empire known as the Imagi. This is only the first in a series of book that Probus has planned, she’s already hard at work on the follow-up novel.
I must warn you though; this isn’t just a whimsical tale of magic and sprawling landscapes, either. It’s also educational, seeing as characters must utilize creative solutions to solve complex rhyming riddles and overcome evil attacks while navigating fantastical creatures and ancient rules. I asked Probus what inspired the education meets the joy of reading approach. “While writing this book,” she tells me, “the goal was to stay in line with Albert Einstein’s saying, ‘Knowledge will take you from A to Z. The imagination will take you everywhere.’”
Probus has also partnered with Fund for the Arts, to help promote both endeavors, while also raising money on their behalf. This means your children will be learning, helping a good cause, and developing a passion for books. It’s an all-around win for everyone.
If you would like to own a copy of ImagiNation: The Hidden Realm, you can buy it electronically on both Amazon Kindle or the Nook devices; or you can buy hard copies at Amazon, Carmichael’s Bookstore, or through the book’s website.