Author, artist, and historian, Robert Powell has released more than 35 books mostly with regards to Kentucky. In his new release, “Historic Kentucky Landmarks,” he has more than 100 beautiful pen-ink drawings depicting Kentucky’s heritage with wonderful narratives. Some of the drawings in this book go back to 1967. Powell states, “When I completed my first book in 1974, I made the statement that I could spend a lifetime drawing and writing about the exciting history and heritage of this one great state. That seems like a lifetime ago, and I am still continuing to pursue new topics, and everyday more and more subjects become historic landmarks.”
The pin-ink drawings depict historical landmarks, locally famous people and other more obscure subjects that have had their impact on Kentucky’s heritage. “Historic Kentucky Landmarks” offers a unique reference to the significance Kentucky has played in the history of our nation.
“Historic Kentucky Landmarks” is available in many outlets as well as
Photos courtesy of Robert Powell.