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    It's U-pick strawberry time at Huber's Farm
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    You may have visited the pumpkin patch or cut down a Christmas tree at Joe Huber's Family Farm and Restaurant in Starlight, IN, but you're missing out if you've never taken an early summer trip to pick strawberries at the beautiful Southern Indiana farm. A late spring meant that the strawberries weren't ready to be picked until just this week, but now they're red and juicy, just waiting for the kids to get their grubby hands all over them. Fresh-from-the-farm berries are also available in the farm market, if you're running short on time.

    I love taking my kids to U-pick farms. It's really fun for all ages--the wobbliest new walker can still pick his or her fair share of berries, and even too-cool-for-school tweens will enjoy being out in the sun, gathering strawberries that can be used now or frozen for later in the year. It's a great way to teach your kids about farming, nature, and making wise food choices. Some kids really do think that berries just show up in plastic containers at Kroger's; it's nice when they realize the multitude of factors that go into the growth of one delicious piece of fruit.

    Check out Huber's website for more information. Farm market and U-pick hours are Monday-Saturday 8:00 am-8:00 pm and Sunday 8:00 am-6:00 pm.

    Photo: courtesy of 

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    About Anna Frye

    After living in Chicago, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Colorado, my husband and I made our (hopefully? probably?) final move back to Louisville, where I was born and raised.'s nice to be home. Now I'm busy making sure my three little ones learn to love the quirks and traditions of their new hometown: Kentucky Derby Festival, no school on Oaks Day, grits and hot browns (not necessarily together), monograms, parks, festivals, and even our seasonal allergies.

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