From the time women are little girls, countless daydreams and notebook doodles are devoted to “The Big Day:” the perfect gown, the perfect setting, the perfect man, and on and on. However there’s one detail that never seems to make it in those visualizations of the happiest day of your life: Mascara streaks. Those happy tears can leave some ugly remnants, but what can you do?
As soon as you learn about the wonders of mascara, you learn about its limitations. Don’t cry in mascara, don’t go swimming, don’t work out, and try not to rub your eyes, among many others. The modern woman doesn’t need me to say it, but there’s little time for limitations in the fast jet-set world we’re looking fabulous in.
But never fear! Joseph’s Salon & Spa has the service for you. CryBaby Mascara is mascara reinvented. Professionally applied, it lasts up to two weeks, through weddings, your kids’ pool parties, through living. CryBaby adds curl, volume, and length without bothering with those pesky wands in the morning; and if you’re a rough sleeper and your eyelashes need some direction, just take a shower! Warm water will reset your lashes’ shape, and after a quick pat dry you’re ready to face the day!
So to recap what we’ve learned, CryBaby is a quick and easy procedure that makes your eyelashes look thicker and longer. It saves precious minutes from your morning routine and that tear that slips out during the vows won’t leave a tell-tale black line. Where do I sign up again?
Joseph’s Salon & Spa at 3938 Dutchmans Ln. Get ready for some more happy tears, ladies.
Fashionably yours,
Chic Geek