It’s already the 11th of October. I shouldn’t need to remind you of this – you, my most dear and affectionate readers, probably have decent access to correct calculations of time and date. This is 2012. We know how to do this stuff really super well now – or, at least, our smartphones do. I make mention of today’s stamp for two reasons: first of all, to once again marvel at the fact that I have spent the last week living in a false reality some two days ahead of the actual date. The 11th? No, no, it’s the 13th if you ask me, oh stranger-on-the-street! I cannot un-think this, and I’m perplexed as to why my busy little brain decided to zap a whole 48 hours from my life. Baffling. Secondly – and you may also know this – for the acknowledgement that we are a mere 20 days out from my most favoritest of holidays: All Hallow’s Eve.
And I haven’t even waxed poetic about this at all, yet, folks! That means 11 whole days (or, you know, 13 by my count) of built up rumination – and all of it for you:
Flash your fingers – all of the fingers – twice. That’s 20. 20 wiggling, spidery digits that each stand for one more anointed day in this, most-oh-glorious of “-ber” months (I’ll probably explain this expression at some point before the New Year, but I might not if I don’t feel like it. Facebook me if it really matters; I’ll bet it doesn’t). We’ll carve tails into the carpet of the leaves, slicing through their parchment faces with quick-footed legs. Candy at the doorstep, heavy clouds, timberwolf bellies in the night sky, and we are gray smoke of echo and asphalt, only corporeal in the yellow light of porches as we sing-song the password to strangers. I love Halloween.
There now, all done. How grand.
But really, my friends, Halloween is close at hand, and the celebration of all things spooky and other-worldly feeds a certain delicious mystique into these long, sinuous nights. Care for a touch of scary spirit? Stop by A Reader’s Corner Bookstore this weekend, Saturday, October 13th, as local storyteller and author, Thomas Freese, tells a few chilling tales at children’s storytime.
The author of more than seven books, Thomas Freese has released his latest work, Shaker Spirits, Shaker Ghosts, in step with his other supernatural titles. With more than 120 articles attributed to his name in the pages of Chevy Chaser and Southsider Magazines, Freese has more than his fair share of yarn-spinning props. Also known locally as a prominent artist, musician, actor and master storyteller, Freese will bring his own flare to storytime starting at 11am. Refreshments will also be provided (if you’re like me, you want to start practicing candy-scarfing early so as to be in prime condition.).
Your costume may not be ready and your pumpkin may not be prepped just yet, but that impish charm is all about – and some good words are due to be spun. Bring your little monsters to A Reader’s Corner and get primed for that most Hallowed of Eves.
A Reader’s Corner Bookstore is located at 2044 Frankfort Avenue.
Image: Courtesy of A Reader’s Corner website www.areaderscorner.com