It is hard to ignore the local support for movements towards ‘supporting local’, ‘going green’, and ‘keeping Louisville weird’. Things of this nature are everywhere. I’m even a member of the ‘Louisville Independent Business Association’ and like to actively support local arts, both personally and professionally. In thinking of all of the things going on in Louisville, on a regular basis it shocks me to go to a concert like Fiona Apple, it not be sold out and many of the premium seats empty for me to roam around in and pretend like they’re all mine. Don’t get me wrong I like roaming around where I may not belong but for most of you who didn’t make it you should be ashamed, as you truly missed out. I get Fiona Apple isn’t for everyone, heck amazingly neither is Justin Bieber, and sometimes her ‘style’ doesn’t suit those who don’t appreciate passionate performances with a slightly darker edge to musical sound, but come on!
Anyway, as I was getting to, her performance was honestly spectacular. The crowd that did attend was fairly eclectic with a slightly older bunch and did have its’ share of groups of slightly angry looking women who appear to have a thing against men in general, however they all made for a welcoming crew. The ache with which she gave herself to the performance was enthralling in itself, but musically things translated flawlessly. While there were a couple strong blasts from past albums the main focus was on the latest ‘The Idler Wheel…’
Obviously, my feelings for the music I write about may not be to the liking of everyone, but Fiona Apple is a genius. Since genius recognizes genius, then you should all be now convinced that you should listen to my ramblings a bit closer. Check out the new album and try to catch her again as it’s really worth the time and money.
Photo Credit: Brandie Story