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    Google: Answering the important stuff like "Why is the Kentucky Derby in Kentucky?" and "Does Louisville have a curfew?" since 1998.

    Why Does Kentucky...

    Why does Kentucky hate Duke? I don't know-- maybe we should ask Mitch McConnell.

    Why is Kentucky...

    Someone at Google is obviously a huge fan of The Bluegrass State. 

    How is Kentucky...

    Google is obviously trying to give away confidential Kentucky secrets about the production of two of our biggest exports-- bourbon and deep-fried poultry.

    Why is the Kentucky Derby...


    Does Louisville...

    Is Louisville...

    We are, in fact, the Northern-most Southern city(or the Southern-most Northern city), and no, it's not particularly dangerous if you abide by the curfew...

    Where can I in Louisville... has you covered on numbers 1, 2, and 4. You're on your own for number 3.

    Why is Louisville...

    I see a pattern here...

    How Does Louisville...

    When Will Louisville....

    Cover photo courtesy of Shutterstock

    Ashlie Danielle Stevens's picture

    About Ashlie Danielle Stevens

    I am a freelance food, arts and culture writer. Among other publications, my work has appeared at The Atlantic’s CityLab, Eater, Slate, Salon, The Guardian, Hyperallergic and National Geographic’s food blog, The Plate.

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