Just when you think Teddy Bridgewater couldn’t get any more perfect he goes out and does something like he did this past weekend.
As you may, or may not, have heard by now, the Minnesota Vikings quarterback - and former University of Louisville standout - escorted a young woman from Louisville to her high school prom. Friday night Bridgewater took Christian Academy of Louisville junior Ashley Davis to her big dance.
As the story goes Davis met Bridgewater, her favorite player, while he was starring for the Cardinals a few years ago then her mother saw him at a recent event in Louisville and asked Bridgewater if he would be interested in taking her daughter to prom. “Teddy Biggame” accepted and flew into town solely for the purpose of escorting Davis on the biggest date of her life (to this point, of course).
This was yet another endearing act by Bridgewater, who is originally from Miami but has become an adopted son of Louisville (just eight days before his date with Davis he was the Grand Marshal of the Kentucky Derby Festival’s Pegasus Parade).
Bridgewater became a fan favorite of not only Davis, but an entire legion of Cardinals fans (and I’m sure there are even some Kentucky fans out there who would admit to liking him too), for his success on the field, his toughness and maybe - most importantly - his character.
Just as Louisville fans expected, Bridgewater has carried that I’m-just-a-regular-guy attitude into the professional ranks, where he is a paragon. These days the NFL is filled with law-breakers (I’m looking at you approximately one-fifth of the league) and rule-breakers (I’m looking at you Tom Brady and Bill Belichick), but Bridgewater is the antithesis of that. He is a role model both on and off the field.
Last season he threw for 2,919 yards and 14 touchdowns to earn Pepsi Next Rookie of the Year honors and help the Vikings, who were hamstrung by the whole Adrian Peterson fiasco, to a surprising seven wins. That, as you may recall, came after he famously gave his mother, Rose, a cancer survivor (as well as his escort to the Pegasus Parade), a pink Cadillac Escalade before he was a first-round draft pick by Minnesota.
Seriously, could Teddy Bridgewater be any more perfect?
Photo courtesy University of Louisville Football Facebook Page