Spring is upon us and although the weather has yet to achieve the level of warmth we expect this time of year, many of thoughts are turning to the outdoors.
Let’s face it, spring is almost synonymous with nature.
This weekend, if you feel the same way, head out to Blackacre State Nature Preserve and Historic Homestead and see the educational presentation by the animal rescue group Raptor Rehab.
A non-profit organization formed to help injured raptors, raise orphaned raptors, and increase public awareness of the importance of raptors, Raptor Rehab serves as the home for owls, turkey vultures, hawks, eagles and many other types of birds of prey.
I have toured Raptor Rehab and have met some of their feathered residents. These creatures are very impressive and beautiful. I left the rehab with a whole new respect for the raptors and the important role they play in our ecosystem.
The event is Saturday, March 23, at 3:00 p.m. at the Schick Nature Center at Blackacre. The cost is $5 for members and $8 for non-members. The cost is $10 a family if members and $15 for a family is not members. Call 502-266-9802 to make reservations for this event.
Other upcoming programs this spring at Blackacre include:
- Saturday, April 13 at 7:00 p.m. –Spring Peepers with Joe Cichan
- Thursday, April 25 at 6:00 p.m.-Lecture Series Presents: Bob Hill on The Parklands of Floyds Fork project
- Saturday, May 11 at 2:00 p.m.-Bluebird Walk & Talk with Larry Carlton
Blackacre is a 170 acre farm located off Blankenbaker Parkway and is the state’s first nature preserve. Visitors to the homestead can walk the grounds and trails, feed horses, cows and goats, and tour the historic home. Blackacre also offers many recreational and educational events throughout the year.
So, if spring fever has hit at your home, come out this weekend to learn about birds of prey from Raptor Rehab and tour the grounds of Kentucky’s first nature preserve.
The fresh air will be good for you.
For more information, visit Blackacre Conservancy .
Photo courtesy of Blackacre Conservancy and Raptor Rehab