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    Get all of the Louisville, Kentucky, and Indiana basketball updates directly on your phone. With the The Ville Daily, Wildcat Review, and Hoosier Daily apps you can get the latest news, the complete basketball schedule, the roster, and of course all the stats you could want. Best of all? The app is Free!

    The apps, developed by StatSheet Inc., provide over 300 Android Apps for most college basketball teams. Not an Android user? Are you one of those fancy iPhone fanatics, well hold tight, StatSheet Inc. is currently developing iPhone apps as well. Though they provide amazingly free Android apps for just about every college basketball team out there, I know you're only interested in the three most important teams out there in college basketball: Louisville, Kentucky, and Indiana.

    Personally, I use The Ville Daily app very frequently. It's my best bet for Cardinal basketball news, stats, roster updates and keeping track of past, present and upcoming games. At a price tag of, free, you have nothing to lose. Let me know your thoughts and favorite team in the comments. 

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