As with so many great chicken-and-egg stories, it began with a tweet.
No omelette stand at Bardstown Road farmers market [sic] makes my heart sad.
One week later:
Still no omelette stand at Bardstown Road Farmers Market. Heart sad.
These plaintive tweets from a hungry Highlander came from none other than Zach Everson—Louisville.com editor, breakfast connoisseur and new dad in desperate need of protein.
Everson wasn’t alone. Across the Twitterverse, fellow followers of frittata (okay, it’s not the same thing as an omelette, but let’s play along, okay?) chimed in. Soon the whispers spread to the Real World of the parking lot of Bardstown Road Presbyterian Church, 1722 Bardstown Rd.:
Where’s the omelette guy?
Never fear, says the BRFM’s Tammy Ford: “The omelettes will be starting back up on May 15th or the 22nd, probably the 22nd.” Ivor Chodkowski from Field Day Family Farm—a.k.a. The Omelette Guy—is only approved for a six-month license from the Louisville Metro Health Department, and so he and his fellow eggmen are making the most of it by starting in May. “They try to space it out so they can be there later into the season,” says Ford.
In the meantime, Everson is counting the days until he sights the omelette stand again. “I go with the works, knowing that most if not all of the ingredients are bought fresh from the Farmers’ Market that day,” he says. “My favorite ingredient is the catfish though. The omelettes are best consumed a little hungover.”
Chodkowski was unavailable for comment at this time. And, in preparation for his favorite alfresco cook’s return, Everson will be unavailable on Friday nights starting mid-May.
The BRFM runs every Saturday from 8:00 a.m. until noon until December, when its hours are shortened. For more information, call (812) 843-4724.
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Photo: Courtesy
Bardstown Road Farmers’ Market