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    There’s no Van Hagar here! Atomic Punks is a tribute to the full-on diesel, balls-to-wall shenanigans that framed the early career of iconic '80s musical impresarios Van Halen (specifically the David Lee Roth era Van Halen).

    The decadence, the swagger, the hair…it’s all here in full-on early MTV technicolor as this tribute band takes on all that is Roth in the world. The L.A. band has performed all over the world, preaching the gospel of Roth n’ Roll to the masses for two decades now, and they're not anywhere close to slowing down.

    The Atomic Punks even played a show in Pasadena where former Van Halen bassist joined the group on stage for the entire set and then sang nothing but praises for their musicianship, authenticity and spot-on tribute. Atomic Punks is no off-the-cuff, insincere impression. It is a whole-hearted tribute to the band they love. The show is nothing short of an all around experience that celebrates the early work of one the truly great American rock bands.

    Atomic Punks: Tribute to Early Van Halen will be performing at Mercury Ballroom, Friday June 26. The show begins at 9 p.m. and tickets are $15.

    Photo courtesy of A. Punks.

    Brent Owen's picture

    About Brent Owen

    Born and raised in Louisville, I have lived here most of my life (except during a short furlough, when I, lovelorn and naive, followed a girl to Baton Rouge). My roots are here, my family, my friends, and my life are all here. I work primarily as a free-lance writer for a few local and regional publications. I have also written two books (one a memoir, the other a novel) that barring some divine intervention, will probably never see the light of day. I find myself deeply ingrained in the local bar scene, or perhaps better said, I often indulge in the local drinking culture. I love music, movies, comedy, and really just about any other live performance art.

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