The Highlands-based Passionist Earth & Spirit Center and Kentucky Interfaith Power and Light, which together seek to provide a religious response to current problems including environmental concerns, will cosponsor a Louisville Community Environmental Justice Tour this coming Tuesday, Sept. 14.
The bus tour will feature a visit to contaminated sites in the area, notably the coal ash landfill at the LG&E Cane Run Road power plant overlooking the pauper's cemetery. The landfill is replete with airborne mercury, lead and arsenic toxins. Participants will also learn about the threats these contaminants pose to the community’s air and water quality, and have the opportunity to learn how this pollution affects our health and receive resources for taking action beyond the bus.
The day kicks off with a continental breakfast at 8:30, followed by the tour from 9:00 to noon. A discussion, including resources, will be from noon to 12:30.
The suggested donation is $15 per person, but space is limited. Contact
to register.
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