Tomorrow is Brew at the Zoo Saturday and if you're not excited then you should probably close this article now because nothing that I am going to talk about further will be of any interest to you. From 4:00 to 9:00 PM tomorrow, on what is shaping up to be one of the most gorgeous days of the season so far, the holders of this golden ticket will be able to sample beers & wines from over 30 different craft breweries and wineries total. There is nothing about this article meant to drive you out to buy tickets and even if I were that persuasive it wouldn't help, tickets are sold out, which is great news from a fund raising standpoint.
In addition there will be food served from 4:00 to 6:30 by such great local restaurants as Eiderdown, Rocky's Italian Grill, Za's Pizza, and many, many, many more. I won't even begin to try and name all the restaurants and breweries represented tomorrow, but I'll conclude by saying that I'm sure glad that I have a ticket to the event and hope to see many friends there. I'll be LIVE tweeting from the Twitter account (@louisvillecom), so follow along, its bound to get more and more interesting the more beer samples I get into me and is possible that before the end of the night I end up in a fight with a monkey or riding a giraffe.