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    Upland Infinite Wisdom - A beer for philosophers and scholars [Lville Beer]
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    We drink beer for a lot of different reasons.  Some people drink for an escape from the day's trials, some share a drink with friends to bond, others drink for the health benefits (I still get somewhat aggravated that wine gets such a better health rap than beer).  Last night I stopped by Buckhead (3020 Bardstown Road) as they rolled out their craft beer app at this location (you may remember that I reviewed the Rocky's roll out in a previous post), and attempted to drink to obtain infinite wisdom...Upland Brewing Company's Infinite Wisdom Tripel that is.

    If you enjoy local beer, and Belgian beer, then this is a delicious choice.  Upland is located just north of us in Bloomington, Indiana and I have been a fan of their beers for a while, actually ever since I was introduced to Upland Wheat.  Anyway, back to last night.  The bartender poured my brew after I perused through the application to see what they were serving on draft, and I was hooked on first taste.  You get some nice banana and lemon undertones from this hazy Tripel.  A silky smooth mouthfeel and not being overly carbonated allows it to go down very easily.  You'd never know it weighs in at 9% ABV because, to me, the alcohol was virtually undetectable; so be careful if you drink more than one to not let it sneak up on you.  

    This is an excellent Belgian Tripel, and even the contributing reviewers to and seem to agree, assigning scores of 83 and 90 respectively.  I can't honestly say that after I finished it that I felt like I had obtained any more wisdom, but I did feel wittier....maybe Infinite Wisdom was actually a Belgian Witbier.....HEY-O!!!!

    I can keep them coming all day, don't believe me?  Interact with me on the Lville Beer Facebook page, Twitter feed, or even on Foursquare and find out just how much more obnoxiously amazing I can get.  Share us with your friends too, we like to get around. 

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