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    This originally appeared in the 2019 Best of Louisville issue of Louisville Magazine. 

    1. This steady parade of all ages, multiple languages and varying group sizes makes up the most representative patch quilt of Louisville’s population you’ll see in any public place.

    2. It is indeed possible to walk this mile-long bridge in flip-flops. I saw multiple floppers, though the physics of their feet eludes me.

    3. The two-wheeled scooter is conveying a new young demographic from one bank of the Ohio to the other — good. They go way too fast — bad. (Never thought I’d miss the Segway.)

    4. The recorded classical music continuously playing along one stretch of the span is a mood-altering note of inspiration, without the need for pharmaceuticals.

    5. Crossing south from Jeffersonville near the approach down to Waterfront Park opens up an unobstructed view toward downtown Louisville, begging this immediate question: Where did they put the other half of the Preston Pointe condo building?

    6. Sunset over the Ohio is best enjoyed over the Ohio.

    7. People walking six abreast and impeding traffic may need group therapy. Just not here.

    8. It’s a good thing the city didn’t start charging for parking on the Louisville side by the Big Four. Many who are getting their recreation on the bridge would not absorb this added cost.

    9. Barges go sloooooooow — even with the current.

    10. If you add a side trip to a Spring Street restaurant in Jeffersonville, as I did, you’ll put in roughly 9,000 steps on a Big Four walk. And not realize you’re doing so.


    This originally appeared in the 2019 Best of Louisville issue of Louisville Magazine. Read more.

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    Illustration by Shae Goodlett,

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