A comedy show? More like a revolution.
Too close to call!
Rand Paul's life gets the comic book treatment.
Fancy Farm is a beautiful mess--a Valhalla for the politically crazed.
Current Ms. Kentucky United States, Ashley Miller, has officially thrown her hat in the ring for State Representative in the 2014 election.
Find out what's trending at the state capitol as the General Assembly continues to convene.
John Leffert says diversity is what CenterStage is all about.
Imprisoned for two decades in Chinese prison camps for his political viewpoints, Harry Wu now has a story and a message to share in the fight for human rights. Join him in conjunction with UofL for a special lecture tomorrow, Wednesday, January 23rd at 7pm.
You've read all about the different methods for preventing teen pregnancies, but you probably haven't heard of this one.
What on Earth could have transformed Mitch McConnell from a baron of subdivision drainage and park maintenance 30 years ago into the bare-knuckled power-wielder for the nation’s elites? Louisvillian George Morrison recalls an encounter that may have shaped McConnell into the man -- and politician -- we know today.
Uncover the revolutionary life of Kentucky’s own James Gillespie Birney, the nation’s first anti-slavery presidential candidate, as author D. Laurence Rogers presents his new book ‘Apostles of Equality’ at The Filson Historical Society Tuesday, September 25th, at 12pm.
Former writer says C-J 'has its liberals, but also its conservatives and centrists.'
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