"Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee."
The Mayor and community recently broke ground on the second of three regional libraries within the Louisville Free Public Library.
Lou's Brews pedaled to a great start on Saturday, August 29.
LFPL has brought on a new director for their growing library system.
Explore. Engage. Enrich. Go be cultural, Louisville!
If you see a little free library box, take a book. Leave a book for someone else.
Louisville Snow Angel Contest recognized city wide acts of compassion.
It's another snow day in the Louisville area.
5 plans we have to look forward to in Louisville's craft beer industry
Check out photos from the grand opening of the new Southwest Regional Library!
Be part of the grand opening of LFPL’s new Southwest Regional Library along with a ribbon cutting this Sunday, October 5 at 2pm.
Have you taken advantage of the cultural pass and summer reading opps around Louisville?
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