Saturday & Sunday
July 2 & 3, 2011
Beads & Jewelry Show: Meet Exhibitors From Around the Country Presenting Genuine Beads & Beading Supplies for Making Jewelry, Beading , Crochet, Knitting, etc. Find Real Gemstones, Pearls, Finished Jewelry, Glasswork Designers & Artist, Craft Supplies, Antique Jewelry & Beads, Silver, Copper, Bronze Findings, Crystal. A Fun Event for Artist, Making Gifts For Friends & Family. Meet Importers of Beads, Gemstones, Jewelry, Jade, Amber, Cetrine, Garnet, Etc.
2 Days Only: Saturday & Sunday July 2 & 3, 2011
Open to the Public. Mention This Publication to Get in for $2, Regular $4. Drawings at the Door.
Contact Information
- Fern Valley Hotel - Off I-65 South of Downtown (Exit 128), Fern Valley Rd)
- 2715 Fern Valley Road, Louisville, KY 40213
- 770-739-0057
Event Time
- Friday, July 1, 2011
- 8:00 PM
- $4, Mention This Listing and Pay $2