Contemplating the Mystical Connection
New work from:
Mary Dennis Kannapell
Sculptural Ceramics
Julia Comer
Sculpture to Wear
First Friday Trolley Hop: Friday, June 7th, 2013: 6-9 PM
Mary Dennis Kannapell
Sculptural Ceramics
Julia Comer
Sculpture to Wear
From shamanic origins to fairy tales, the idea of a connection between worlds has been central in imagery and literature across cultures and throughout time. The inherent potential of the spiraling evolutionary force is the inspiration for this body of work by these two talents. Axis Mundi was the term the ancients used to describe the journey and the connection.
Mary Dennis Kannapell focuses on the mystery of the classic egg form and vocabulary of inspired shapes and symbols. These mixed media assemblages reflect the astrological aspects that accompany the journey to bring the gifts of enlightenment to the earthly plane. The marriage of elemental forces are embodied in her larger scale ceramic figurative busts.
Renowned for her exquisite taste in international jewelry and wearables, Julia Comer has been breaking barriers for the Louisville community for years as she introduces new ways of looking at personal adornment. Recently, she has created her own innovative line of inspired jewelry for her Flo Gallery on East Market St.
Julia Comer introduces a large scale sculpture in the newly relocated PYRO Gallery in Nulu district as part of this collaborative exhibition. Included will be a selection of her new sculptural jewelry.
This dynamic collaboration will be on display through June 30.
Contact Information
- PYRO Gallery
- 909 East Market Street, Louisville, KY 40206
- (502) 587-0106
Event Time
- Wednesday, May 15, 2013
- 8:00 PM
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