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    I am willing to do very painful and difficult things to make myself prettier. My mother, a quintessential Memphis Southern belle who never ever leaves our home without her face on, taught me that beauty hurts, and I believe it. So when I bought a groupon for a body wrap at Faux Finish, at 11605 Shelbyville Road, I expected to sweat and suffer. I was not disappointed.

    Faux Finish offers several kinds of body wrap, from the aromatic chocolate clay to the mineral sea clay, which is what I got. The technician waited until I was stripped down to my skivvies, and slathered my thighs, belly, upper arms and rear end in thick, cold clay from a bucket. She then wrapped me super tightly in linen wraps, and led me over to a massage table, where I was summarily wrapped in plastic, covered with a blanket, and told to nap for an hour with a heater blowing on me. I fluttered in and out of a fretful sleep. It was the middle of the day, and my waist was wrapped so tightly I could barely breath. Sweat was pouring off me and trickling into my wrapped areas. I remembered how the website promised this would make me look slender, improve my cellulite and skin tone, encourage my body to give up stubborn fat cells. The hour dragged by.

    At the end of the body wrap, I was indeed four pounds lighter and a few inches small around my waist and thighs. I felt light for the next few days, slender, soft skinned and svelte. After a couple days the effects wore off (just like the water weight loss!) but it was a nice feeling while it lasted. If you have a big event coming up a body wrap might be just the confidence boost you need to feel slim and pampered. It's not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle, but it's a fun diversion. You can find out more about Faux Finish and their other services at their website here

    photo courtesy of Faux Finish's Facebook page

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    About Elizabeth Myers

    Big fan of bacon and bourbon, deep fried anything, sweet tea and sweet nothings.

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