Kentuckiana barrel racers will have the opportunity to turn and burn in IBRA and NBHA sanctioned classes at Saddle Up Arena on March 17-18, 2012. The IBRA barrel racing classes are Indiana and Kentucky approved. The NBHA barrel racing classes are Indiana district 04 approved and are held on the Saturday show only. There is $500 added money for the barrel racing classes.
The warm up barrels on Saturday starts at 10 am and the show starts at 1 pm. The warm up barrels on Sunday start at 10 am and the show starts at 12pm. Warm up barrels are $5 per run.
Classes for the Saturday, March 17 Show are as follows: 2D Poles, Pee Wee Barrels, Flags 2D, Open NBHA 3D/4D Barrels, Youth NBHA 3D Barrels, Senior NBHA 3D Barrels, Open IBRA 3D/4D Barrels, Youth 3D Barrels, Master IBRA 3D Barrels. Times may be rolled over from open classes.
Classes for the Sunday, March 18 Show are as follows: 2D Poles, Pee Wee Barrels, Flags 2D, Open IBRA 3D/4D Barrels, Youth 3D Barrels, Master IBRA 3D Barrels. Times may be rolled over from open classes.
You can access the showbill for these shows here. Stalls and electric are available for the weekend, as well as shavings by contacting Melinda at: 812-701-0151. For show information contact Tracy Schewene at: 513-520-1878.
Saddle Up Arena is located at 178 North Badger, Madison, IN.
Photo: Courtesy of IBRA