It is scarf weather. It has been for a hot minute. This is, perhaps, old news to my savvy readers, but I feel such a moniker of Fall needs to be properly anointed; there is a difference between merely “chilly” and true “scarf weather”. I like the concept of scarves – even the word itself imparts that feeling of billowing, gauzy wind. Something that could, if properly tamed, be willed into a submission about your neck - but, eventually, it would finger its way slowly into the wild with those tasseled paws. I own more scarves than I’ll ever use because of this concept. They seem like fluid animals. Cold air becomes mysterious when you decide you need a scarf. There is no longer simply You In the Cold, but You With Some Unrequited Purpose. Scarves make warm-bellied Artists of us all.
So where does a be-scarved soul with a mouthful of words and hands full of creativity go for a winter watering hole? That’s a silly question.
Armed with poetry and hot coffee, Java Brewing Company’s Bardstown Road location will present local poets Lynnell Edwards and Sean Patrick Hill for a free reading tonight, Friday, October 19th at 7:30pm as part of the Speak Social Reading Series.
The author of three poetry collections, including The Farmer’s Daughter and The Highwayman’s Wife, Lynnell Edwards is a Louisville writer of poetry, short fiction and book reviews. With work featured in the pages of Connecticut Review, American Book Review, Pleiades and New Madrid, Edwards also shares her literary flare serving on the Board of Directors for Louisville Literary Arts (InKY anyone?), as well as teaching Creative Writing at the Carnegie Center for Literacy. Edwards’ most recent volume of poetry, Covet, was published last year.
Co-star at the coffee shop, Sean Patrick Hill, is likewise a successful poet. The author of the collections Interstitial and The Imagined Field, Hill has also published work in the likes of Exquisite Corpse, Elimae, Alba, Diode, In Posse Review, RealPoetik and The Battered Suitcase. Originally hailing from Portland, Oregon where he earned his MA in Writing from Portland State University, Hill currently here with us in the Bluegrass state.
The pair will take to that proverbial stage tonight, following an open mic at 7pm. Sound like a plan? (remember, they have a fireplace, kids!). The mercury will only rise into the 50s today, my friends. Loop the languid living fabric ‘round your neck, warm your hands ‘round a cuppa and let that mysterious persona float on.
Java Brewing Company is located at 1707 Bardstown Road. For more information, call (502) 384-3555.
Image: Courtesy of Photobucket www.photobucket.com