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    It is time to stop pussyfooting around and call it like it is. Mitch McConnell and his fellow GOP leaders have become domestic terrorists plain and simple.

    True political leaders make the case to the public that they should be in power because they know how to make life better for the people. Domestic terrorists and mafia thugs make the case to the public that they will make life worse for the people unless they are in power.

    This is true the world over. The Taliban in Afghanistan has used domestic terrorism for years to prove to towns and villages that the consequences for not supporting them will be blood, blood, and more blood. The Irish Republican Army made the case to the Northern Irish for decades that the only way to get them to stop slaughtering innocents would be to put them in charge.

    And so it is here in the United States as well. Starting with Rick Perry's statement that doing anything to reduce unemployment before the election would be treasonous, Republicans have been making the case that the people shall be punished until they vote for Republicans. And now, with their letter to Chairman of the Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke implying future threats to the Federal Reserve itself if it takes any steps to lower unemployment between now and next November, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, and Eric Cantor have fully signed on.

    So lets stop with the pretending that this protection racket is actually legitimate policing and call it what it is. The Republican leadership, with Senator McConnell at the helm, is a bunch of mafia thugs and their tactics have become those of domestic terrorists. Sorry, but it is what it is.

    -----------------'s The Arena section features opinions from active participants in the city's politics. Their viewpoints are not those of (a website is an inanimate object and, as such, has no opinions).

    Keith Rouda's picture

    About Keith Rouda

    I'm a news junkie and politics addict. I stay up way past my bedtime to watch election returns come in. My free time is spent with advocating for progressive policies. I have an MBA from Sullivan University and have worked in small businesses and large, in fields ranging from advertising, to health care, to information technology, to talent acquisition, to industrial quality. I moved to Louisville in 1995 and haven't looked back.

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