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    Louisville Tickets

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    Louisville Tickets Promotion

    If you haven't yet attended a Kentuckiana Philharmonic Orchestra concert, this is your chance to check out the amazing work they do for our local musicians. Next Thursday, don't miss hornist John Paul Little's guest performance of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Horn Concerto No. 4, as well as a rendition of Franz Schubert's Symphony No. 8, the "Unfinished Symphony," performed by the Orchestra.

    Comprised of artists from all different backgrounds, the Kentuckiana Philharmonic Orchestra is dedicated to providing a space for gifted musicians who might otherwise be unable to perform in an ensemble of this level. Conductor and founder, Ben Crouch, a high school Junior at Oldham County High School, will lead the orchestra in it's second year running. Read Louisville Magazine's profile of Crouch here. You won't want to miss out on this brilliant display of local musical talent. You can learn more about the orchestra on their website:

    The Mozart Horn Concerto No. 4 performance will be held on Thursday, December 13 from 7:30-8:30 p.m. at St. Matthews Baptist Church (3515 Grandview Ave.). Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children.

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