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    It's a bird! It's a plane! It's...a guy in a padded suit! That's right, there's an invasion of Superheroes on this year's infield.

    "We're here to protect everyone at the Derby. The guy in the orange vest? He's security to keep the fans away. We wouldn't want anyone getting hurt during a superhero versus supervillian fight because they're begging for autographs" said Superman.

    "Hulk fight nakedness."

    The man of steel is unsurprisingly the mastermind behind this invasion. "We've been Marvel Comics, Uncle Sam, Ninja Turtles, Albert and the Chipmunks, and Hugh Hefner with his ladies." 

    Hulk said, "We get a lot of attention for coming out here in a theme costume. We enjoy it. Everyone is having a great time. We've been to seven Derbys and dressed up for five, and we'll be back next year."

    Superman, also known as Nick Stafford, flew in from Bloomington, Illinois. "We came from across America to save the people of Louisville. Captain America came from Wisconsin, Wolverine came from Illinois. The Hulk, we don't talk about The Hulk. We came to Derby in the name of truth, justice, and The American Way."

    Their secret identities met as frat brothers seven years ago. They've reunited every year at the Derby infield, come rain, shine, or Skrull invasion.

    Photo courtsey Chris-Rachael Oseland

    ChrisRachael Oseland's picture

    About ChrisRachael Oseland

    You're welcome to stalk my 22 First Dates and other random shenanigans on my personal blog. <BR>

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