Friday night, Louisville's only Halloween parade rocked Bardstown Road. Quite possibly the best way to kick off Halloween. The parade started at Rosewood Avenue and traveled north and ended on Baxter and Lexington, at the Baxter Avenue Morgue. Kids, teens and adults lined the streets to watch the parade.
Caufield's is known for having costumes, masks, accessories and decorations for any party. Halloween being their favorite. Caufield's opened in the early 1920's as a novelty shop but quickly turned into a nationwide theatrical distributor. They stock thousands of products throughout the store and ship all over the country as well as internationally.
While it does not officially cost anything to be in the parade, they ask that anyone who wants to participate register so that they know you are coming. If you are planning on handing out "commercial" items, (such as buttons, flyers etc) you must register and pay $50. 100 % of this money is then donated to Home of the Innocents.
People who want to participate are encouraged to get creative! Dress up in a group, build a float, march behind a banner, bring costumes, decorate your car. Basically anything that is fun and in the spirit of Halloween. Anything goes, and from what I saw on Friday night, they mean ANYTHING! From mini cars and stilts walkers, to zombies and monsters, the list was endless.
The best part about the parade being on Bardstown road? You could sit at any of the bars or restaurants with outdoor seating and enjoy the show. Or if you wanted to bring your own chairs and line the streets, you were able to do so as well. Vendors were walking about with cotton candy for the crowd.
Next year you won't want to miss this! For more information, to sign up or view pictures from the past years visit www.baxterparade.com/index.html
Photo Courtesy of Shutterstock.com