Where to get a Kentucky Derby hat in Louisville.
Or the perfect fascinator!
You could get a derby hat, or any other hat for that matter, from somewhere else. But why would you?
Les Filles Louisville held its first trunk show Friday, featuring designs by Chicago fashion designer Lauren Lein of Lauren Lein Ltd. Learn more about the fashion house, their collaboration with the latest iteration of Les Filles, and how everything came together in the burgeoning South Fourth District.
After four nights of fabulous fashion and fierce competition under the Big Four Bridge at Waterfront Park, what are the final thoughts on Waterfront Fashion Week? Designers, bloggers and organizers share their viewpoint of Louisville’s first-ever fashion week, from what they liked to what they desire for 2013.
The final night of Waterfront Fashion Week 2012 brought glamor and fire to the shows under the tent, presenting Louisville's first-ever fashion week with a proper sendoff into 2013. Whether you missed out on the evening, or just want to relive the magic, this post is all you'll need for the journey.