The fourth show of the IBRA barrel racing series at Red Barn Arena coming up this weekend.
Hundreds of barrel racing enthusiasts converge on Louisville's Freedom Hall for the IBRA National Finals this week. There are close to 1500 competitors who will be competing throughout this event. Competitor Carly Dolan shares photos with UPDATE - Our photographer/competitor Carly Dolan and her Thoroughbred Catch Me If U Can are the new 2012 IBRA National Finals 4-D Champions. Congratulations to them.
The 2012 International Barrel Racing Association National Finals are coming to Louisville's Exposition Center on October 1-6. Come watch the excitement as horses and riders execute a clover leaf pattern around three barrels at high speed in this equine western timed event.
The IBRA National Finals are being held in Louisville, Kentucky October 1 - 6, 2012. Early bird entry forms are due in September 7 for those IBRA members whose horses have been qualified.
Indiana and Kentucky approved IBRA barrel racing horse shows to be held at Saddle Up Arena in Madison, Indiana April 13-15.
IBRA is a barrel racing equine organization whose national headquarters are located right here in Louisville. Their 2012 National Finals will also be held in Louisville.
Horse enthusiasts will be turning and burning at IBRA barrel racing show at Yankeetown Arena on March 3.