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    Illustration by Kendall Regan

    Frank, 27, is an actress, writer and “artivist.” She lives in Los Angeles but grew up in Pleasure Ridge Park. Frank, who is deaf, is active with organizations that help deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals.

    Describe the space you’re in right now. 

    “It’s nighttime. I am on my patio under the canopy, surrounded by fairy lights.”


    Earliest childhood memory? 

    “I cannot remember how old I was — three or four, maybe a bit older. I remember watching Stephen King’s IT. It was scary back then.”


    If you could be mayor of Louisville for a day, what would you do? 

    “I’d host a meeting with every leader in Louisville to discuss the issues and what we can do to solve them, then host a festival to bring people together.”


    When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up? 

    “Singer, then policewoman, then lawyer, then teacher. In a way, I knew I’d end up acting, somehow. Just didn’t realize it’d become my profession.”


    The weirdest place somebody has recognized you in public?

    “I was in New York and somebody tweeted about seeing me in a taxicab — five seconds after I got in the taxi!”


    Who’s doing big things in Louisville under the radar?

    “Not exactly under the radar but the Kentucky Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing is the best. Doing big things for the deaf community in Kentucky, such as Deaf Festival, workshops and more.”


    Besides your current job, what’s the best job you’ve ever had?

    “I’d have to say being in Deaf West Theatre’s Spring Awakening as the lead female role on Broadway. That was amazing. I’ll be back.”


    What are your vices? 

    “If there’s a TV show you think I might like and you recommend it to me, I’ll probably binge-watch the whole season, more than one if necessary.”


    What brings you the greatest joy?

    “Creating stories with my peers, bringing them to life and changing the world, one day at a time.”


    What are you wearing right now?

    “Black tank top with ripped light-blue shorts.”


    What should every person try once?

    “Sky diving. I haven’t tried it yet, but I will. I am terrified to do it, but what’s life without some fear? It fuels your courage.”


    What’s the first thing on your bucket list?

    “Visit the Theatre of Dionysus in Athens, Greece. I am no history buff, but I am in love with the history and how it came alive.”


    All-time-favorite Kentucky Derby winner?

    “I don’t have a favorite. Never was really into Derby. I know, I know. I’m just not.”


    Favorite movie scene?

    “Samwise Gamgee’s speech at the end of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. Still gets me every time.”


    What three people (living or dead) would be on the guest list to your ideal dinner party? 

    “William Shakespeare, Edward Albee and actress Phyllis Frelich. Of course, at this party, Shakespeare and Albee magically know American Sign Language, haha.”


    What’s the last thing you bought online?

    “Literally, like five seconds ago, I bought a unicorn float.”


    What triggers your “aha!” moment? 

    “Probably when I’m in a heated discussion and someone or something just proved my point. I am an Aries if that explains it.”


    One thing Louisville is missing?

    “Nothing! If it weren’t for my acting career I’d probably live there.”


    If Actors Theatre staged a production about your life, what would the performance be called? 

    Just Being Frank.”


    What would you do if you won the lottery? 

    “Donate half to deaf theater companies, and programs that support ASL, such as Language Equality & Acquisition for Deaf Kids (LEAD-K).”


    What makes somebody a Louisvillian? 

    “Being weird to their bones, loving everyone as equals and, yes, knowing the area of Bardstown Road and hanging there most of the time. At least for me.”



    What’s always in your refrigerator?

    What superstition do you believe in?
    “I always knock on wood to avoid jinxing anything.”

    Your drink?
    “Mimosa. On a daily basis: peanut butter-chocolate smoothie.”

    What do you collect?
    “Magazines, because I love, love, love creating collages. It’s my thing.”

    What’s on your nightstand?
    “Musical scripts, a framed picture of a fairy in blue, candles and an Apple TV remote.”

    Can’t-miss TV show?

    What tattoos do you have?
    “A triquetra (from Charmed) and my design of the elements fire, earth, air and water.”

    If you could write it yourself, what would your headstone say?
    “She never stopped living. She never will.”

    This originally appeared in the August 2017 issue of Louisville Magazine. To subscribe to Louisville Magazine, click here. To find your very own copy of Louisville Magazine, click here. 

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